But if they deny you then say, "Your Lord (is the) Possessor (of) Mercy Vast, but not will be turned back His wrath from the people (who are) criminals."
And if they give thee the lie, say: "Limitless is your Sustainer in His grace; but His punishment shall not be averted from people who are lost in sin."
So if they give the lie to thee (Muhammad), say: Your Lord is a Lord of All-Embracing Mercy, and His wrath will never be withdrawn from guilty folk
If they accuse thee of falsehood, say: "Your Lord is full of mercy all-embracing; but from people in guilt never will His wrath be turned back
But if they deny you ˹O Prophet˺, say, “Your Lord is infinite in mercy, yet His punishment will not be averted from the wicked people.”
If they accuse you of lying, say, “Your Lord is limitless in His mercy, but His punishment cannot be averted from those who force others to reject His messages.”
So, if they accuse you of lying, say, The mercy of your Lord is all-encompassing. His punishment cannot be averted from sinful men
But if they give you the lie, then say: Your Lord is the Lord of All-encompassing mercy; and His punishment cannot be averted from the guilty people
If they denied thee, say: Your Lord is the Possessor of Extensive Mercy. And His might is not repelled from the folk, ones who sin.
so if they should reject you, then say: ´Your Lord possesses boundless Mercy. His might will not be withheld from criminal folk,"
If they deny you (Muhammad) say: “Your Lord is owner of vast Mercy, but His punishment can not be averted from the guilty people.”
But if they deny thee, say, “Your Lord is Possessed of vast Mercy, but His Might will not be averted from the guilty people.
If they accuse you of lying, say, “Your Lord is the possessor of vast mercy, but His punishment won’t be averted from guilty people.”
If they accuse you of lying, say, 'Your Lord is Possessor of infinite mercy, but His wrath cannot be averted from the guilty people.'
And if they belied you, then say: “Your Nourisher-Sustainer is the Possessor of unlimited Mercy while His wrath does not break its grip over the nation of criminals
Now if they disbelieve you, say: "Your Lord is the owner of boundless Mercy; but His scourge cannot be averted from criminal people
So, in case they cry you lies, then say, "Your Lord is The Owner of embracing mercy, and His violence will not be turned back from the criminal people."
They reject you. (Muhammad), tell them, "Your Lord's mercy is completely overwhelming, but no one can save the sinful from His wrath."
Then, if they give the lie to you, say, .Your Lord is the Lord of all-embracing mercy, and His punishment cannot be averted from the sinning people
If they accuse you of falsehood (O Prophet), tell them, "Your Lord is a Lord of Infinite Mercy, but His Requital will not be averted from the guilty."
And if they call you a liar, then say, "Your Lord is limitless in His Mercy! His punishment against the guilty people shall not be set aside!"
If they accuse you of falsehood, say: "Your Lord is full of Mercy, All Embracing; But His anger will never be turned back from guilty people."
So if they deny you, [O Muhammad], say, "Your Lord is the possessor of vast mercy; but His punishment cannot be repelled from the people who are criminals."
If they deny you, then say: "Your Lord has vast mercy, but His might will not be turned away from the criminal people."
If they [the disbelievers] accuse you [Prophet] of lying, say, ‘Your Lord has all-encompassing mercy, but His punishment cannot be diverted from the evildoers.’
So if they belie thee, say thou: Your Lord is Owner of extensive mercy, and His wrath shall not be turned aside from the guilty people
If they call you a liar, tell them infinite is the mercy of your Lord; but His vengeance will not be turned back from the sinners
If they call you a liar, say: ´Your Lord possesses boundless mercy, but His violent force cannot be averted from the people of the evildoers.´
Then, if they still deny you (O Messenger), say to them: "Your Lord (Who creates, nourishes, and provides you,) has an all-embracing mercy (and so does not immediately punish you for your acts of insolence but gives you respite so that you may repent and ask Him for forgiveness). However, (if you do not mend your ways, know that) His punishment cannot be averted from disbelieving criminals
But if they deny you, say, ‘Your Lord is dispenser of an all-embracing mercy, but His punishment will not be averted from the guilty lot.’
And if they give you the lie, say, "your Lord is of all-embracing Mercy, but His Wrath shall never be withdrawn from the guilty."
If they denied you, then say: “Your Lord has plenty of mercy, but His fury is not turned back from the guilty people.”
If they accuse you of falsehood say, “Your Lord is full of mercy All-Embracing. But from guilty people, never will His punishment be turned back.
If they accuse you of lying, say: “Your Lord is gracious, and yet His punishment will not be deflected from the sinful people.
´Then if they give you the lie, say: ´Your Lord is of unbounded mercy; but His punishment shall not be averted from the guilty folk.´
If they deny you, then say: "Your Lord has vast Mercy, but His Might will not be turned away from the criminal people."
Then if they deny you, say, "Your Lord is the Embodiment of vast mercy. And His punishment cannot be averted from the criminals."
Again if they belie you say you, 'your Lord is of extensive mercy and His torment is not turned aside from the guilty people.'
If they disbelieve you, then say, "Your Lord possesses infinite mercy, but His retribution is unavoidable for the guilty people."
If they belie you, say: 'Your Lord is the Owner of all Encompassing Mercy, but His Might cannot be withheld from the nation, the evildoers.
But if they give thee the lie, then say: Your Lord is the Lord of all-encompassing mercy; and His punishment cannot be averted from the guilty people
So if they denied you , so say: "Your Lord (is owner) of abundant mercy, and His might/power is not to be returned from the nation the criminals/sinners
If the Jews continue to disbelieve you, say: "Your Lord's mercy is limitless [and even if you repent now and adopt the right way of obedience He will forgive you.] But [if you persist in your rebellion,] the guilty ones can not escape His punishment
Then if they deny you (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) say, “Your Lord has boundless mercy; and His wrath is never withdrawn from the culprits.”
But if they accuse thee of falsehood, say, `Your Lord is the Lord of all-embracing mercy, and HIS wrath shall not be turned back from the guilty people.
Should they belie you, then say: ‘Your Lord is the Lord of infinite mercy, but His torment will not be averted from the evildoers.
And if they cry lies to you then say to them, `Your Lord is the Lord of All-Embracing Mercy; but His punishment cannot be averted from the guilty people.
If they (Jews) belie you (Muhammad SAW) say you: "Your Lord is the Owner of Vast Mercy, and never will His Wrath be turned back from the people who are Mujrimoon (criminals, polytheists, sinners, etc.)."
So, if they cry thee lies, say: 'Your Lord is of mercy all-embracing, and His might will never be turned back from the people of the sinners.
If they accuse thee of imposture, say, your Lord is indued with extensive mercy; but his severity shall not be averted from wicked people
And if they give thee the lie, say, 'Your Lord is of ample mercy, nor shall His violence be turned back from the sinful people.
If they treat thee as an impostor, then SAY: Your Lord is of all-embracing mercy: but his severity shall not be turned aside from the wicked
If they disbelieve in you, say: ‘All-encompassing is the mercy of your Lord: and His punishment cannot be warded off from those who do wrong.‘
If they belie you then say, “Your Lord is owner of all-encompassing mercy but yet His fury cannot be turned away from the people who are the evildoers.”
If it happens that they, (the Jews), deny you, then say: “Your Lord is Possessor of all Encompassing Mercy. And His might (His chastisement when it comes) will never be driven back from those who are Ungodly Sinners.
Then, if they deny you, say: your Lord is full of extensive mercy, and His adversity cannot be averted from sinful people.
If they deny you, say, “Your Lord is full of infinite mercy, but His punishment cannot be averted from the sinful people.”
So if they disbelieve you, then say, “Your Lord is Possessor of all-embracing mercy, but His chastisement is never turned back from the criminal people.”
so if they should reject you, then say: 'Your Lord possesses boundless Mercy. His might will not be withheld from criminal folk,"
So, if they falsified you, say, “Your Lord is a Possessor of a vast mercy, and His adversity would not be repelled about the criminal kinfolk.”
If they accuse you of lying, then say: Limitless is your Lord in His grace; but His punishment shall not be warded off from evildoing folk.
(My Rasul) if they have denied you, say, “Your Rabb is the Wasi, possessor of grace... His torment will not be held back from a people who do wrong.”
But if they belie you (O' Muhammad!) , then say : 'Your Lord is (full) of mercy all-embracing, but (if they do not repent) His punishment will not be returned from the guilty people
Should they disbelieve you O Muhammad then say to them: " Allah's mercy is vast; it is extended to all, especially to those who repent. But His indignation against those who grow daily more and more wicked is irrevocable"
So if they deny you, then say, "Your Fosterer is the Possessor of omnipresent mercy, but His punishment will not be turned away from people who are criminals."
And if they deny you, then say, 'Your Lord is the possessor of vast mercy, and His punishment will not be turned back from the sinful people.'
If they accuse thee of falsehood, say: "Your Lord is full of mercy all- embracing; but from people in guilt never will His wrath be turned back
But if they deny you then say, "Your Lord (is the) Possessor of Mercy Vast, but not will be turned back His wrath from the people (who are) criminals.
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